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Friday, April 19, 2013

Hannibal -- Atmosphere Times Ten!

(Toronto, Ontario, Canada.)

There is something about Canada that helps horror television to have an eerie coldness to the visuals. A perfect example of this was the X-Files. The horror atmosphere was intensified by the Canadian crispness and “color” of the air and the filming location landscapes.

Hannibal, on NBC, is filmed in Toronto. And, it has that stark coldness that plays perfectly with the intensity if this psychological horror thriller. So far, the tension is as sharp and intense as a razor blade edge.

Right now, the two protagonists are in a sort of patient/doctor relationship. But, they are destined to become vicious mortal enemies and you can see that Hannibal Lecter is practically manipulating every atom of the surrounding horror. Lawrence Fishburne is simply fantastic and Caroline Dhavernas is really good. 

Everybody on Hannibal is playing mind games, with Huge Dancy’s character… Will Graham, being caught right smack dab in the middle of the eerie psychology!

Also, check out that background music and ambient sound… creepy and nerve grating.

I am a HUGE fan of this new show. We will only get 13 episodes of Hannibal, as the producers have decided to go with the cable model of television for this show. Hey, it works for The Walking Dead… and it will work for Bates Motel, too. Bates Motel has already been given a second season.

I love good horror writing, and we are getting it in this new crop of horror shows. Throw in Being Human and Lost Girl and you have some good horror on the television. And True Blood has yet to bite its way back to HBO.

Good horror…


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