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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Another Look At The Trauma Inducing "The Plague Dogs!"

Common Sense Media put out this very good list for parents to use as a guide for what the title implies. 
But, it failed to list ONE movie that needed to be on that list... and here is my take on the movie.

I just wanted to mention one mainstream animated movie that is truly the most disturbing movie, my opinion, in the history of animated movies. It is called The Plague Dogs... from the excellent book from the excellent writer, Richard Adams!

And if you can ever get your hands on the absurdly rare uncut version... well, be prepared for a movie that looks like a professionally made Disney movie filled with jaw dropping animal cruelty, intense chase sequences, a human being partially eaten and more frightening sadness than in a Pentecostal church on a Sunday night!

Here are a couple of the MANY, MANY ugly, ugly images from this unbelievable movie off the internet!

This movie was banned in America until a few years ago. The scene where the dog eats the human was literally cut from almost all know copies of the movie. Basically, until a little while ago, you could only find copies of this movie in, like, Australia!

And so... god help your kids if you show them this movie unsupervised.

Many people love The Plague Dogs. We saw it as children many, many decades ago... before it was run out of town. And all of us remember the trauma of the nightmares we suffered after viewing it...

Read the book before seeking out the movie so that you will be less traumatized... as an adult! And, I suggest, you keep this movie locked up with your porn stash to keep it away from young kids.

I am not killing this movie... I just want it respected as the adult film it is. If this was produced today... it would get an NC17 to make sure children were kept away from the horror.


Thursday, August 29, 2013

I Respected The "Horror" Movie, YOU'RE NEXT... But...

I have waited five days since seeing the "horror" movie YOU'RE NEXT in the theater. At first, I was positive that I would not go to the movies to see the film. But, when the reviewers lavished the movie with over-the-top positive praise... well, I decided I had to see what all the fuss was about!

Now... don't panic, people -- NO SPOILERS HERE!

But, I will say my piece about this movie. Now, first thing first --  THIS IS NOT A HORROR MOVIE! What is it? Let me think... it is an... exceptionally well made terror parody, without the the obviously humorous comedy that is intrinsic to parody.

You will not laugh... even though the filmmakers are skewering the "why are you walking straight toward the killer" troupes that make-up the way white people act in horror movies. Well, you might laugh, if you are a serious student of what the filmmakers are trying to cut with a knife.

To be sure, this is an excellent movie. Even though I knew the answers thirty minutes into the film, the show was compelling enough to keep me in my seat. But, this really is not my cup of horror tea.

For me, I need my supernatural horror. Or, I need my monster horror. Or, I need my science fiction horror. I need to be taken back to the impossible horror fear I had as a child when I believed there actually was a thing living under my bed. When it comes to humans killing humans purely for the sake of killing... well that is not horror to me.

Terror? Torture porn? Whatever it is called... I respect its right to exist, but that genre is not for me.

But YOU might REALLY LOVE this movie. There are several great twists and turns. And if you want the highest body count a movie can produce -- this is for you. And if you believe in GIRL POWER -- this is your movie.

I just needed -- something else to call it horror... for me.

No disrespect, YOU’RE NEXT... I did enjoy your technicality and your actors. I just needed... you know... HORROR!


Sunday, August 11, 2013

What Kind Of Horror Do I Like?

This is an opinion about the trailer of the new horror movie, You're Next!

These days, horror has taken three forms -- supernatural horror, the torture porn horror where humans terrorize, maim and murder other humans and the occasional bit of science fiction horror.

I'm old enough to have seen the original The Hills Have Eyes. There were other torture movies, but that one stuck in my mind... and I hated it back then and I hate it today. The Hostel and the Saw movies have done NOTHING for me, too. I'm just not into humans being psychopathic monsters to each other. If I want to see that stuff, I can turn on the evening news and watch that for free.

On the other hand, give me the implausible horror of Mama or The Conjuring any day. I live for the horror that takes me away from reality and allows my imagination to revert back to a frighten child afraid of the imaginary monsters in the dark. I love to read about it, I love to watch it and I love to write about it.

There HAS to be exceptions to the rules, though. Bates Motel is my exception! Also, Under The Dome is the perfect mix of the reality of humans acting badly and the implausibility of a science fiction invisible upside down fishbowl dome over a town conceit!

I had hopes about You're Next... until I saw the trailer. This capture below, showing one man dragging another man by his feet takes me right out of the horror. Again, I can watch footage of Middle Eastern conflicts, or America's Drone Strike aftermath footage, to see exaggerated footage of humans murdering humans -- on TV!

I'm not going to kill You're Next. I'm sure it will do big business. It just won't be from me! But, if this movie is your cup of tee... I hope you have a good time with this type of... :Horror!"


Monday, June 3, 2013

Ah... Lake Bell! May Your Marriage Last Forever!

See this beautiful turbo babe? Her name is Lake Bell. She is an actress who has performed admirably in many movies. She is actually an excellent actress. And, she just got married.

I offer my heartfelt congratulations.

I recently re-watched her NBC Science Fiction drama "Surface" on my DVD season set. The show only lasted one season. Just as it was getting very good, as the one and only season was ending... NBC cancelled it. And I was distraught! If you have not watched the season one box set of "Surface" I say you are missing out on an excellent ocean based bit of Science Fiction.

Why did NBC cancel "Surface" after one season? I surmise it must have been a ratings thing. But I have a theory... the reason I loved "Surface" but wanted more of a certain thing that I did not get... that turned me off to a small degree to "Surface." And that was --

They dressed Lake Bell like a non-sexual tomboy throughout most of the series. Rarely did this woman, with this body of beauty, dress in ANYTHING remotely sexy! And she spent considerable time on, or in, the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Wilmington, North Carolina... a place where EVERY HOT CHICK IN N.C. goes to hang out at the beautiful beaches to show off their bikini bodies! I never understood why the show choose to basically keep Lake Bell fully clothed!

And I am just as frustrated when I watch the DVD box set. But, the show is still excellent. And I highly recommend it! It is too bad that the cliff hanger ending might never be resolved.


Monday, April 22, 2013

And The Ants Will Inherit The Earth...

I posted the commentary from below on a page of a person posting a picture of a Honey Ant. This is a different image.

I added the below comments to that page. Here, I have included more information about the movie I recommended in the body of the text.

This movie is Science Fiction. But, there are frightening horror elements, too.


I remember reading about these ants when I was a kid in school on the 1960's. Several nature programs, including NATURE on PBS have included these cool ants in their ant documentaries.

Want to see a wild and scary movie about ants from 1974? Check out the feature film "Phase IV." The movie plays like a documentary, but it is frightening in its Science Fiction plot -- an unknown force from out there in space comes to earth and affects a swift evolutionary change in the behavior of ants in the Arizona desert. A team of scientist investigate these intelligent, and dangerous, ants and... well bad things happen.

I saw this movie twice back in 1974, and then found it again around 2004. And I still love "Phase IV." The fact that we still don't know what is out there in space all these years later makes this movie relevant today.

Remember what I said... this movie almost plays like a documentary... kind of like the original "The Andromeda Strain" or "The China Syndrome." And if you allow yourself to believe... you will be frightened.


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Showing The Horror Anthology A Little Love

I have always thought of Creepshow as a masterpiece of horror. Stephen King wrote all the stories and George A. Romero directed them. Both men were at the height of their super powers at the time of Creepshow

Creepshow 2, from 1987, tried to live up to Creepshow… and it came pretty close. I didn’t understand why the producers of the third Creepshow left the EC comics angle.

And, I would like to present this to you...

What do you guys think of Trilogy Of Terror? I was a sophomore in high school in Texas, in 1975, when Trilogy Of Terror was released as an "ABC Movie Of The Week." Back then, ABC would produce original made for television movies. And, they actually made some excellent movies back then.

And I can tell you this... that movie scared the shit out of a hell of a lot of people back then! It aired on prime time television, March 4, 1975. And it caused a sensation because of the terror, horror and violence.

You better believe I figured a way to watch the movie. I lied to my Pentecostal fundamentalist mother and told her I had to practice, or something... all I remember is I lied to get out of her house and watched the movie at a friend's house.

And, this movie STILL will scare the crap out of you.

Check it out.


Friday, April 19, 2013

Hannibal -- Atmosphere Times Ten!

(Toronto, Ontario, Canada.)

There is something about Canada that helps horror television to have an eerie coldness to the visuals. A perfect example of this was the X-Files. The horror atmosphere was intensified by the Canadian crispness and “color” of the air and the filming location landscapes.

Hannibal, on NBC, is filmed in Toronto. And, it has that stark coldness that plays perfectly with the intensity if this psychological horror thriller. So far, the tension is as sharp and intense as a razor blade edge.

Right now, the two protagonists are in a sort of patient/doctor relationship. But, they are destined to become vicious mortal enemies and you can see that Hannibal Lecter is practically manipulating every atom of the surrounding horror. Lawrence Fishburne is simply fantastic and Caroline Dhavernas is really good. 

Everybody on Hannibal is playing mind games, with Huge Dancy’s character… Will Graham, being caught right smack dab in the middle of the eerie psychology!

Also, check out that background music and ambient sound… creepy and nerve grating.

I am a HUGE fan of this new show. We will only get 13 episodes of Hannibal, as the producers have decided to go with the cable model of television for this show. Hey, it works for The Walking Dead… and it will work for Bates Motel, too. Bates Motel has already been given a second season.

I love good horror writing, and we are getting it in this new crop of horror shows. Throw in Being Human and Lost Girl and you have some good horror on the television. And True Blood has yet to bite its way back to HBO.

Good horror…


Friday, April 12, 2013

Hannibal -- My New Horror Obsession, On NBC!

(If you are not affected by this scene from Hannibal, you are a cold undead zombie... for real!)

Holy crap, horror fans... Hannibal, last night, was absolutely friggin' fantastic! Talk about intense! And the shocks continue to amaze and appear in tidal waves. This episode blew me out of the back of my chair!

I thought Bates Motel was going to be the bloody, crazy plasma bath if guts and gore. No! That, so far, is not the case! If you want arterial blood spray, gross-out special effects, the potential for cannibalism and your mind fucked something awesome.... it is all in Hannibal.

And if you missed last night's episode, hoo boy... you are in for something akin to what the X-Files was in its hay day.

And all this has happened in two episodes, for goodness sake!

I'm holding back the spoiler details because I now realize a whole lot of people wait to watch these horror show episodes. But, you better watch soon because Hannibal must be discussed!

My feeling is, this show will make the perfect DVD box set. Commercials stick a bloody knife into the heart of the flow of the show when it is this intense!

If you are a horror fan... hurry up and watch what might become the best show on television... and I'm talking acting!

Take care, horror fans.


Monday, April 8, 2013

It Is Time For Ghosts to Make A Comeback

Hey fans of horror stuff. Have you ever seen this box set? All the information about it is right there on the cover. There are 40 half hour episodes in this box set. All are eerie, some are scary and a few are downright frightening. If you like ghost stories then this is for you.

On a scary ebon night...
When the stormy winds blow through the darkened wavy trees,
And swirling things bump against vibrating windows --
When outside dogs howl through their fear...
The perfect atmosphere is created for tales of ghosts and things.

On a scary ebon night....
When you wonder, 'what made that noise in the attic?' --
As you cringe as another thunder clap rattles your windows --
When you pull your comfort blanket even closer to your body...
That is the perfect time to pull out some... GHOST STORIES!


Sunday, April 7, 2013

What Love To Show A Vampire?

I respect old school horror... the kind of horror we loved before people began to try to define horror by scientific terms. Today, the new school must assign a virus as a cause of the Zombie Apocalypse. They must assign a virus to the cause of Vampirism. Today they must assign a virus to the cause of Lycanthropy. And today science must be the answer to other horror creations.

What about this place called Hell that 90% of the world believes in... with its demons and monsters and tortured souls? What about this Heaven... this place with its frightening, vengeful, world destroying God of fright and derision! If you believe in God, this all powerful unseen super spirit... then you HAVE to believe in ghosts, demons, monsters, devils and Lucifer! You cannot, with any insane delusion, say one does not exist without the other.

And so, I declare to the world that I, a man who writes horror stories, including vampire tales, am a Twilight hater! My young son loves the Twilight book series and has seen every one of the movies. I never attempted to sway his love away from Twilight. But me? No, I can' do it...

I, the old school horror fan, hate Twilight with a passion. I will never read the books or see the movies. But, I will also never tell you to not read the books, or watch the movies. In the end, the horror genre needs all the love it can get.

And so, here is an article from the above cool horror site that is a look into my horror soul! Check out why I am not a Twilight fan.


Friday, April 5, 2013

My Mini-Review Of Hannibal

NBC might have just jumped over the quagmire of low ratings with Hannibal. Beautifully shot, great acting and mature like The Walking Dead and Bates Motel... this might be a masterpiece in the making.
I will tell you this about Hannibal... don't eat food that might bubble up in your tummy before you watch Hannibal! Really...
Recently, I caused all kinds of hell to break loose when I reviewed the final episode of season 3 of The Walking Dead... two days later. I obviously gave away spoilers, too soon. I hate people who spoil movies, so I have come to terms that I did offend some people... but, television is another animal, isn't it? Anyway, I'll hold back for a short time.
I will not give away any spoilers, even though you can find all kind of spoilers all over the Internet.
What I will say is this... Hugh Dancy, Mads Mikkelsen, Lawrence Fishburne, Caroline Dhavernas and the rest of the great supporting cast!
And is it a spoiler to say this: You know Hannibal Lecter is the most diabolically evil human on the planet, don't you? You already know that, I hope, before you watch a TV horror program titled "Hannibal."
OK, I'll say no more about this until at least next Wednesday. By then, if you haven't seen Hannibal, well that will have to be your problem... I need to discuss the show. WITH SPOILERS!


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Here Is Proof Positive As To Why I Will Avoid "The Evil Dead 2013!"

Evil Dead 2013 star Jessica Lucas

This missive/rant is a response to a young man who responded to my dislike of what I have seen, and heard, about the abjectly unnecessary 2013 remake of The Evil Dead. My assertions are confirmed by the admissions by Jessica Lucas in her interview with Craig Ferguson! Here is my response to the the Google + response to my assertions about the soon to be released movie --

... I respect your opinion. When I wrote my assertions, I was internalizing my own issues with remakes of movies that I believe should stand on their own merits. The Anne Heche remake of Psycho was another example of a movie that should NEVER have been screwed with. I did go to the theater to watch that remake and I was pulling out my hair, what little I had then, because I could only ask myself the question… psychotically… “Why try to emulate ANYTHING created by Alfred Hitchcock?”

I am 54 years old. I was 24 years old when The Evil Dead was first released. I saw that movie, and was hooked for the other two movies, because I watched the positive review of the movie by Siskel & Ebert At the Movies. They were notoriously hard on horror movies, and when they both liked The Evil Dead… I HAD to see it! And the reason I HAD to see it was because they discussed the outrageous gore, the outrageous slapstick violence and the outrageous over-the-top humor.

Now, The Evil Dead is just a tad more serious than the Sam Raimi remake of The Evil Dead II… which was like an episode of The Three Stooges on horror steroids. And Sam Raimi, himself, has stated MANY times he got his impetuous for The Evil Dead franchise from watching The Three Stooges.

The Army of the Dead took the humor and the slapstick to a whole new level.

Respectfully, I don’t know your age -- but if you were BORN in 1983 you would be 30 years old today... but there is this thing called perspective! I was in full geekdom as a 24 year old right out of college in 1983. I spent a hell of a lot of time in the movies back then. And during those times The Terminator, The Thing, Conan The Barbarian, Star Wars, Alien, American Werewolf in London and a host of other movies, and franchises, were in full force at that time. I saw all these movies in the theaters with large crowds geeking out at the fantastic spectacle of the time.

If you are under 30 years old, when could you have possibly seen The Evil Dead? At 30 years old today, I can’t imagine you saw The Evil Dead until you were at least a teenager. That would have put you in the time of 1993, at least. And at that age, how could you know the perspective, and impact, of this movie on movie goers. And so, today in 2013, how much perspective can you have about the true impact of a movie like The Evil Dead when you are explaining your vision to me… or, telling my why I am wrong with my opinion when I was a comic book collecting, horror magazine reading, horror story writing college graduate discussing and breaking down these movies probably before you were born?

And so, back then, The Evil Dead movies were ALL about the humor interspersed with the fantastic slapstick juxtaposed with the Sam Raimi horror direction. And we ALL loved those aspects of The Evil Dead movies! And this new movie bastardizes the franchise by stripping what “I” expect to be the draw to pull “me” into the theater.

There are generations of people, kids and adults, who NEVER saw these fantastic movies in the theater with crowds. They have seen these movies in their bedrooms or their living rooms, or on their computers -- and they have only their jaded perspectives of picking up a DVD and placing it into their player and watching the movie without ANY review perspective -- or movie theater ambiance -- to give them the proper perspective of the impact of the movies during their original run.

And this is a bit of narcissistic ranting, to be sure. I expect you to see the movie, if you want to. I am not telling ANYONE to not see the movie… I’m just venting my projected disrespect for the movie. And when Jessica Lucas mentioned the new plot change, I kind of lost my mind.

If Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell were directing and starring in this remake, I would be all in. They are not! And production be damned… the new crew made the movie they wanted to make! And why in the hell would they make a SERIOUS horror movie based on what Sam Raimi created vexes me to the lowest level of my horror soul!

Did you see The Cabin In The Woods in 2012? That fantastic mind trip was produced by Joss Whedon -- yes, THAT Joss Whedon! Joss Whedon made Drew Goddard inject the humor into The Cabin In The Woods that he, Joss Whedon the writer of the movie, put there. And we were given a fantastic horror movie injected with GREAT humor!

OK, I’ll end this rant… for now!

Hollywood -- leave the horror classics alone! There is a wealth of writers out there who are creating fantastic horror that can be developed into scripts that can be made into movies!

I am one of the best horror short story writers out there that you don’t know of, yet. I have two compilation books of horror short stories available on in book form and Kindle. They are:

Horrorwalker Travel Guide --  part one of two compilations that take horror from each of our 50 states.


Meals For Vampires -- vampire tales of mostly frustrated vampires who lament the difficulty of trying to exist as undead monsters.

Also, I have countless blogs upon which I post weekly examples of my horror writing. Check out -- to get a start into the horror stories I create. I have built an entire universe of horror writing, mixed in with my political writing, too.

So, in closing… I’ll wait until Evil Dead 4. Sam Raimi said he will be the leader in the next chapter. Until then… I got my Sam Raimi fix with Oz The Great And Powerful! And, I hope the fans have positive things to say about the remake of The Evil Dead.

Tell me about it…


Friday, March 15, 2013

"Scarecrows" -- Oh My, Do I Have A Horror Movie For You!

"Scarecrows" -- The Entire Movie
(Hey horror fan... This is the link to the entire movie -- for FREE!)

Horror movie fans out there in the Horrorwalker World... do I have a horror movie for you.

This movie was released in 1988. It had a very short theater run, before disappearing for decades as a little seen and hard to get VHS. Now, Scarecrows is out on DVD... and if you have not seen this insane creep-fest, then shame on you. 

This is one of those movies that will be timeless because... well, you will find out for yourself.

You can view a clip of the first ten minutes of the movie by clicking the YouTube link up above. If you are interested in the movie, though, I would suggest you go to and read the user reviews of this truly frightening movie classic. You will be shocked by all the love for Scarecrows. Then BUY IT!

I have been a fan since 1988.

Now, a few people here and there have not liked this movie. They are put off by the surreal nature of the film and they cannot figure out the point of the movie. I'll tell you the point, without giving one single second of the plot away! This movie is a Twilight Zone-like exercise in taking bad humans, placing them in a Twilight Zone-like horror arena and allowing the audience to see the horror that proceeds! It is as simple as that!

Suspend your disbelief, pop your popcorn, turn off your telephone, turn off the lights and prepare yourself to be scared out of your wits. Every wind touched blade of straw, every long shot of the Scarecrows, every discovery in the place and every whisper you hear... or believe you hear... will make your skin crawl.

After watching the movie, wait a week of two, and watch it again! You will see a totally different movie! As in, 'Wait a minute... that wasn't there! Wait a minute... I didn't hear that! Wait a minute... did that just move?'

Scarecrows -- every horror fan should own this minor masterpiece of the horror and the creepy and the surreal!


Monday, February 25, 2013

Reboot Hell

The news of an impending disaster looms large in the future -- a reboot movie of The Crow is in the  works. WHY?

The Crow could have been a disaster back in 1994. How many films can survive the death of its star... before the film is finished. But it did... and it is the perfect translation of the comic book. Why in the hell make another reboot of another perfect movie? Why can't these Hollywood producers use their brains to think up something new?

There have been two reboot movies recently that were disasters, in my mind. (1) Why remake John Carpenter's masterpiece THE THING? Why? That remake was a waste of time, space and money! (2) Why remake the best vampire movie this side of NEAR DARK? I’m talking about the remake of FRIGHT NIGHT! WHY?

I went to the theater to see the Fright Night remake because I wanted to review it for my blog. I hated every second of the movie, but I was hanging in there. But when the movie finally revealed Peter Vincent, originally played by the incomparable Roddy McDowall, as a long haired rocker freak without any of the gravitas of the original character… I got up and walked out of the theater. And I have yet to see the ending of this movie. I REFUSE!

Soon, The Evil Dead remake will be upon us -- without the humor, the slapstick, or Sam Raimi! Why name this “remake” The Evil Dead when it is stripped of all that made the original Evil Dead movies so much fun? This movie is NOT The Evil Dead!

And now… a remake of The Crow? When will it end, folks?

Now this is some real horror!


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Horror review -- The Caterpillar (Night Gallery)


Horror fans, there have been many horror television programs over the short life of the television. To me, without a doubt, the best of the best is The Twilight Zone.

Pure nightmare horror is being in the middle of a Twilight Zone war, bombs dropping around you and your fellow troops… and suddenly discovering that you have the ability to look into the eyes of your fellow soldiers to suddenly see who will die next. And the episode does not end well for…

Or, being William Shatner flying on an airplane in a storm. Eventually, you look outside the window next to you and there, to your abject horror, is a… creature riding on the wing in the cyclonic weather…. ripping and tearing at the wing and engine! And as the episode continues, you are driven insane because the rest of the passengers cannot see what you see…

Or, you’re a little old lady living alone in the forest. And during the night you have to fight off tiny, murderous aliens. And these stories are excellent, among many more fantastic stories, in the Twilight Zone.

There are plenty of other horror television examples… many of them great with excellent episodes. But the best of the best? The story that will haunt you to your soul? The story that most historians have to admit is the best horror story ever broadcast on television? There can be only one such episode and that is another story from another Rod Serling production -- Night Gallery!

The episode is -- The Caterpillar!

Never seen this excellent story from Night Gallery? You have missed the terror, the horror, the setting, the writing, the direction, and the ending of the best piece of horror ever placed on television.

I am not giving a link to this show. You work for this one. Go to to view this masterpiece of horror. You can view it without setting up an account, but you will get commercials like it is live television… which actually emulates the original broadcast from over 40 years ago. When you watch The Caterpillar, remember the age of the show. But, true beautiful well made horror never gets old. And here is a perfect example!

Enjoy the horror. And remember, this episode was adapted by Rod Serling himself and was first broadcast on live television… in 1972!

Wait until you have time to darken the lights, sit back in your chair, plug in your headphones and discover the horror of... The Caterpillar!


Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Little Preview Of "The Host"

Stephenie Meyer's "The Host" trailer #3
The Stephenie Meyer train of success rolls right along with her novel "The Host" being converted into a movie with the same title. You have to admit, this movie has trilogy blockbuster written all over the bright pretty lights, the blue eyes, the emotional music and the beautiful people stars posing beautifully.
Was the "Twilight" saga your thing? It was for a whole lot of folks. Will those same people flock to this movie? That fact remains to be seen... but this movie sure looks like it has all the bells and whistles of another YA set must see movie.
Sure is pretty...

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Walking Dead or The Grammys

Wow, and double wow! Check out last night's ratings for The Walking Dead!
Why would I waste my time watching the Grammys last night when the best show on television had its second half of the season premier during the same time period. Why would I waste my time watching vapid, idiotic, spoiled brats getting their bottoms kissed by their ridiculous enabling fans.
Why would I watch a television program that featured Chris Brown like he was some type of high level dignitary. Chris Brown, the same violent brat who trashes studios and hotel rooms, starts random fights and has viciously beaten up his obsessed girlfriend. This is the same Chris Brown who, the day before the Grammys, crashed his Porsche into a wall running away from the paparazzi. Or, that is the story Chris Brown told the police.
No... I watched The walking Dead, making myself one with the millions of fans watching at the same time. And afterward, I spent the next hour watching The Talking Dead. And after that, I watched Storage Wars.
I will not support an awards program that blatantly rewards the people in Hollywood who display some of the worst behavior in the country. I'd rather watch fictional zombie creatures eating the faces off the humans running for their lives. Any day... any time!



The Best Horror Episode In Television History


Horror fans, there have been many horror television programs over the short life of the television. To me, without a doubt, the best of the best is The Twilight Zone.

Pure nightmare horror is being in the middle of a Twilight Zone war, bombs dropping around you and your fellow troops… and suddenly discovering that you have the ability to look into the eyes of your fellow soldiers to suddenly see who will die next. And the episode does not end well for…

Or, being William Shatner flying on an airplane in a storm. Eventually, you look outside the window next to you and there, to your abject horror, is a… creature riding on the wing in the cyclonic weather…. ripping and tearing at the wing and engine! And as the episode continues, you are driven insane because the rest of the passengers cannot see what you see…

Or, you’re a little old lady living alone in the forest. And during the night you have to fight off tiny, murderous aliens. And these stories are excellent, among many more fantastic stories, in the Twilight Zone.

There are plenty of other horror television examples… many of them great with excellent episodes. But the best of the best? The story that will haunt you to your soul? The story that most historians have to admit is the best horror story ever broadcast on television? There can be only one such episode and that is another story from another Rod Serling production -- Night Gallery!

The episode is -- The Caterpillar!

Never seen this excellent story from Night Gallery? You have missed the terror, the horror, the setting, the writing, the direction, and the ending of the best piece of horror ever placed on television.

I am not giving a link to this show. You work for this one. Go to to view this masterpiece of horror. You can view it without setting up an account, but you will get commercials like it is live television… which actually emulates the original broadcast from over 40 years ago. When you watch The Caterpillar, remember the age of the show. But, true beautiful well made horror never gets old. And here is a perfect example!

Enjoy the horror. And remember, this episode was adapted by Rod Serling himself and was first broadcast on live television… in 1972!

Wait until you have time to darken the lights, sit back in your chair, plug in your headphones and discover the horror of... The Caterpillar!